The Wayne Marley Legacy
Wayne Marley was born on August 13, 1941. As a boy, Wayne was an active scout from North Carolina. As an adult, he served Troop 160 as a leader for over 30 years. Wayne was instrumental in the establishment of Troop 160 Memorial Scout Camp. Wayne will always be remembered for his willingness to help other people. Wayne had been creating a legacy for himself by interacting with hundreds of scouts, using his love of patch trading to break the ice with fellow scouts and to establish new friendships. Wayne passed away on February 1, 2019.
Shortly after Wayne Marley's death, the board of directors of the Memorial Scout Camp decided to rededicate the organization in his memory, alongside Adam Beggs, Craig Goodwin, and Joe Beggs. In order to further his legacy, each year the MSC awards the Wayne Marley Campership to a scout who is a useful member of their scout group and makes an effort to help other people at all times. Additionally, "Wayne's Patch Trading Box" was installed in the cabin at the Memorial Scout Camp at Spectacle Pond in his memory.
Shortly after Wayne Marley's death, the board of directors of the Memorial Scout Camp decided to rededicate the organization in his memory, alongside Adam Beggs, Craig Goodwin, and Joe Beggs. In order to further his legacy, each year the MSC awards the Wayne Marley Campership to a scout who is a useful member of their scout group and makes an effort to help other people at all times. Additionally, "Wayne's Patch Trading Box" was installed in the cabin at the Memorial Scout Camp at Spectacle Pond in his memory.